In recent years, Project and Portfolio Management solutions have established themselves as a strategic asset for those companies that concretely aim at project management based on time to market .strategies.

What are the most common reasons and needs that push companies to adopt a PPM solution?

Watch the complete video interview with Gianluca la Cecilia, Solution Specialists Team Manager.

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As Gianluca confirms, until recently we have always thought of Project and Portfolio Management as a kind of substitute for Project Management, without referring instead to the fact that the objective of the PPM is that of optimal management of the project portfolio , and not of an intervention on single projects or initiatives.

Over the years, companies have increased the complexity of their activities and the number of projects they manage on a daily basis and have felt the need for greater and increasingly effective general governance. This is why Project and Portfolio Management is the key to having a complete vision of the initiatives, being able to make the right decisions, and knowing how and where to allocate resources. In summary, governing the entire park of projects, giving priorities, and establishing corporate strategies.

“Project and Portfolio Management tells us which projects are to be done, Project Management tells us what are the rules to better manage the project”

A PPM technological solution, if it impacts on processes and operating methods, brings with it complexities that must be faced. Often we focus on implementing the solution or reviewing processes, leaving aside the fundamental phase of Adoption . This is why, following our more than ten-year experience, we can say that three conditions are necessary:

  • Methodological knowledge
  • Technological knowledge of the solution
  • Listening to the real needs of the customer

How many projects are managed? Which actors are involved? What is process management? A Cloud or On-Premise solution? Client-Server or Web-Based? What is the degree of compatibility with current business tools? Which reporting system to adopt?

These are some of the key questions to arrive at the choice of the best technological solution to adopt.

Generally speaking, a PPM solution must guarantee the definition of strategies and objectives, manage projects, prioritize them and monitor resources. Each sector has its own peculiar characteristics.

IT historically manage a substantial number of projects and needs to enable various actors, such as the Demand Manager, the Project Manager, as well as Planner and Controller and this means that in the adoption of correct solution access permissions, data visibility, as well as an adequate level of reporting must be taken into consideration.

As well as in the area Insurance and Banking we are looking for PPM solutions that are able to manage all business projects and internal ones at an organizational level, in order to be able to set medium and long-term objectives and be able to prioritize projects and investments.

Within Engineering the ideal solution is the ability to manage the various actors and all the documentation supporting the projects, as well as manage the allocation of investments at the order level.

Manufacturing often means having a dealing with research and development dynamics where time to market and quality research prevail. An area where there is a tendency to strictly control costs so as not to be out of the market. Attention to bottlenecks, and the reductions that generally must be applied, are determining factors for choosing a PPM solution.

As Digix we do not offer predefined solutions, but we are able to cut out the best solution based on the choices and real needs of the customer. We listen to the customer to guide him towards the best solution. With the aim of accompanying him throughout the implementation and rollout process, passing through the Adoption phase.

So ultimately, what should a Project and Portfolio Management solution allow?

  1. Project management.
  2. The definition of corporate strategies and objectives.
  3. The prioritization of initiatives and projects.
  4. The assignment of projects to strategies.
  5. The balance of resources (physical, human, material, financial).
  6. Control through a robust reporting system.