CA Broadcom

CA Broadcom

The limitless potential of Broadcom solutions enriched by our strategic vision and advanced technical expertise

Millions of companies around the world use CA Technologies / Broadcom software solutions every day as a stable foundation to speed up innovation, maximize productivity and build their future. We have always developed effective business solutions by combining the enormous potential of CA Broadcom technologies – of which we are partners – with our strategic vision: in particular, we provide consultancy and implementation of customised Project Portfolio Management solutions, a discipline in which our teams can boast more than twenty years’ experience and various certifications, guaranteeing past, present and future success.

Clarity (CA PPM), a CA Broadcom’s PPM technology, is a world-class solution designed to enable companies to plan and manage whatever is needed to be successful and to speed up their growth in the best possible way. Clarity is a centralized solution for the monitoring and management of all projects, for the definition of strategic roadmaps, for the clear, timely and fast management of all resources, so as to balance demand with availability and much more; with such a tool, the company can easily optimize its investments and manage its budgets in a timely manner, act on the basis of precise financial data and detect at any time insights capable of directing it towards new strategies or operational decisions having a significant impact.

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